5 Ways to Get Rid of Carpet Mold

Genuinely, mold is growing due to house carpet humidity in the indoor environment. So, it is not fair to share your carpet with mold and spores. When we consider the molded carpetpeople used various dissonant chemicals of borax, bleach, and banish. Rather than, it is right to treat them and kill them with organic ingredients to prevent carpet damages and your family health. So, you need to know the ways on, how to eliminate mold from the carpet: which would be provided by professional carpet cleaning services in dandenong.

Here are five ways:

  • White vinegar

White vinegar is one of the most special treatment ingredients for ridding the mold from the carpet. To reduce the strong smell of white vinegar, dilute it into the water initially. Filled the vinegar in the spray bottle and sprayed on the unpleasant area. Allow it for several hours, and then scrub with a brush gently. In the case when the vinegar smells troubles you, you can add some essential oils. Probably, the smells will disappear when the work is moving forward. 

  • Carpet cleaning solution with tea tree oil

These organic ingredients have enough potential for mold elimination from the carpet, and it is costly too. But, it required only a minimum of two tablespoons to be sufficient for the treatment. Add two spoons of tree oil to two cups of mineral water and mix them well. Spray this solution on the offending spots without rinsing them. These have a potent scent too, but they will break up in the days.

  • Cleaning solutions with citrus seed

This liquid has the benefit of having no strong scent, just like the vinegar and the tree oil. Squeeze twenty drops of the citrus and mix them into two cups of water and mix them gently. Fill in the spray bottle and transfer to the spot, and don’t rinse off the same as the above.

  • Solutions of hydrogen peroxide

Take three percent of hydrogen peroxide solution and mix them onto white vinegar (four spoons), mix them perfectly and keep them in a cold place. When it is ready, spray upon the area and keep it up to ten minutes and blot with a towel.

  • Best solution with Baking soda

Baking soda will be working whether you worked with the white vinegar yet alone. We recommend you to mix with the water well and spray on the surface of the mold. Allow it for a while, then blot with a cloth and clean it away.

The benefits of these are: 

  1. It is disinfectant
  2. It will not produce a strong scent.

So, with the above referrals, you can clean your displeasure mold from the carpet. Rather than, you can hire professional carpet cleaning services for the best results. 


Professional carpet cleaning services can provide you with the most excellent carpet cleaners for eliminating mold. They would say that hiring professional carpet cleaning services will be a precious thing for your carpet.They can keep your carpet extremely potent for the last longer by the transformation.